Raw Material Landings Improving?

Blue Swimming Crab Meat Market Conditions


Has the beginning of the peak season started for Blue Swimming crab meat in Indonesia?  Signs are positive that the commencement of the peak season is likely to begin soon.  The landings haven’t improved a lot but there is more crab…although the crabs are small.  Historically, the landings will become more plentiful once the smaller crabs appear.  However, the main improvement for us is our new operation.  It is our 7th plant and is located in a more remote area than others.  That operation is starting to see more smaller crabs too.

This will impact the picked yields of the crab meaning that the amount of Colossal, Jumbo lump and Super Lump picked will be less than normal and the amount of the other smaller grades will have more pounds available than normal .

Raw material costs have not started going down yet but we anticipate it to stop rising as it has and to level off later this month  or once the peak season is fully underway.    Please contact your product specialist or email us with questions to customerservice@supremecrab.com.


Red Swimming Crab Meat Market Conditions


The Chinese market is sloppy right now due to many importers still selling off last season’s inventory.  Please be careful with the low enticements without asking for the “production date”.  Not the “best by date”!

We expect this market to rise in Q1 2017.


P.S.  This is our last Market Update for 2016.  Thank you for all that follow and have a wonderful holiday!

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