Prices could exceed 2014 Levels

Blue Swimming crab meat prices continue to rise overseas. Typically the landings would have improved by this time of the year but not as of yet. Product landing on next week’s containers will be 5-13% lower (depending upon the size) than product landing in 30 days. Further, the blue swimming crab prices are expected to rise next month as well. This will likely translate to continued high prices leading into the summer. As the chart below from Urner Barry shows, on its current trajectory, Jumbo lump from Indonesia could reach July’s 2014 high of $25.85 per lb. by June.

Raw Material Landings Improving?

Blue Swimming Crab Meat Market Conditions


Has the beginning of the peak season started for Blue Swimming crab meat in Indonesia?  Signs are positive that the commencement of the peak season is likely to begin soon.  The landings haven’t improved a lot but there is more crab…although the crabs are small.  Historically, the landings will become more plentiful once the smaller crabs appear.  However, the main improvement for us is our new operation.  It is our 7th plant and is located in a more remote area than others.  That operation is starting to see more smaller crabs too.

This will impact the picked yields of the crab meaning that the amount of Colossal, Jumbo lump and Super Lump picked will be less than normal and the amount of the other smaller grades will have more pounds available than normal .

Raw material costs have not started going down yet but we anticipate it to stop rising as it has and to level off later this month  or once the peak season is fully underway.    Please contact your product specialist or email us with questions to


Red Swimming Crab Meat Market Conditions


The Chinese market is sloppy right now due to many importers still selling off last season’s inventory.  Please be careful with the low enticements without asking for the “production date”.  Not the “best by date”!

We expect this market to rise in Q1 2017.


P.S.  This is our last Market Update for 2016.  Thank you for all that follow and have a wonderful holiday!

Crab Meat Recipes



Crab Meat Recipes Easily Found By Category!

Have you ever had trouble finding recipes for crab meat dishes?  If so, we have a spot that might make your life easier.  We launched our updated Pinterest account.  One of the good things on how we organized our Pinterest account is by the type of cuisine.    You and your customers can quickly find the type of dish that is most appropriate for the cuisine type involved.  Mexico, Italy and other regions are listed and we will continue to expand the selections each month.

The latest addition was made to the, Taste of Mexico board.  The crab meat recipes on this board are really tasty!  We added recipes for Nacho’s that you can do at home and for Crab Tacos which are appropriate at home or for a restauranteur.  Traditional recipes using crab meat exists too but are on different boards.  Crab cakes, crab dips, and crab soups are available.  Please follow us and let us know what you think.  Comments can be sent to

Also, please go to the 5 media platform icons found at the bottom of the page and follow us.  We have added content to Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and Twitter.  Pinterest serves as a key crab meat recipe site but we will post links from other social media sites too.  Facebook is another good one to like us on and follow

We hope you enjoy.   Thanks and Bon Appétit!


Cooking up inspiration
day of launch

Welcome to our newly released Website.  We are very proud of Arsenal’s job in its creation and the presence we will have on 5 different media platforms.  One of those new sections is our link to Pinterest.  We are increasing the exposure of crab-based recipes on Pinterest so that you and your customers can have 1 place to go for a variety of crab based recipes regardless of specialty.  Each month we will be showcasing a new recipe for varying ethnic cuisine so we hope you like it.  It is still in the process of development but is fully operational so check it out and follow us at pinterest.  If you would like to follow us on our other social media platforms, please click below

Industry market update
november 1

As reported last month and now confirmed to be an unfortunate reality, blue swimming supply overseas is depressed and the landings have only worsened through October.  We are now of the opinion that it is possible that the overseas landings will not improve sufficiently until late December or in January.  It would be likely that raw material costs remain steady through January with little reduction.  February or March would become the projected months for raw material cost reductions thereby leaving the US market to the potential of seeing no significant US price declines until Q2, 2017.  This is currently our best guess but as the industry learned 3 times now in the last 8 years, no one can predict the severity of these situations with absolute certainty.  We did open up our 7th plant in October but the landings in this remote part of Indonesia is not yielding significant volume yet. 

Office moved
march 2016

We moved recently to our new offices. It is nice to have the larger space but I can see us out growing out of this space soon. I guess growth is a good problem to have.